Somehow it is easier to see that speck in the tiny beautiful eyes of the person seated next to you.What is even more interesting is the irony of how we are able to see the speck considering the hugeness of the log  in our eyes.You would think that the log would blind or cloud us from always trying to ”unspeck” those close to us.More like Keep Calm and Allow that Log to Cloud your eyes and help  Look Within First.

Being a Christian does not mean that i do NOT struggle.The world actually does not want to see Christians struggle and us as Christians HATE that we struggle.But honestly,in the world people DO NOT struggle.In the World means in the Flesh ,and what could be more easier than pleasing and living by the flesh.The real work begins in salvation.When trying to tame this flesh.When trying to supress its wants and urges.

I believe in being real.(atleast recently lol).Therefore i try not to hide me.I try NOT to hide my struggles.To the unbeliever,may be i should not be struggling with things and to the believer may be me struggling is a sign of, i dont know,lack of enough faith or stunted growth.But how are you to pray for me and me pray for you if we are not struggling with NOTHING!

    Therefore confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed.The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
(James 5:16) 

I started this blog,not to hide behind my phone and the well orchastrated words(i believe,lol!) of how struggle-free my life seems to be.This blog was and is meant to bring out the true me,my life journey in Christ and that includes my struggles.I desire to put and end to the covering of my face and give people the chance to see the real me as Christ does His thing.

So in a society whereby siblings are compared constantly to each other.”Competition” is the motto.”Be better than you know who”is the slogan.It is super HARD to not have issues of pride.It gets to a point where it is hard to count others better than me.It goes further to the extent of stepping on and crushing a person so hard in order to get my way.To show the world that am better,a go-getter and i always get what i want.My friends and family urge me to be “ambitious”,only that they do not realize that deep inside ,i only want to be the only one on top.They do not hear my heart scream that am all about me and selfish ambitions. To the world success stories have become pride stories,covered by the words ”i am humbled” but very contrary to where one’s heart is.

Well,when all quiets down,i look to the person Jesus Christ and i asked, “What was his attitude?”

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus!(Philipians 2:5)

Jesus who is EQUAL to God the Father in STATUS and GLORY made Himself nothing,so that one day you and me can be something together with Him.
He did not use His Godly nature and power to promote Himself in any way but instead He emptied Himself!
  “He became not just a human being but a servant,not just a servant,but a slave,not just a slave,but a dead slave,degraded and disgraced by execution on a cross (Philipians 2:7-8)

I mean,the example of Christian humility begins with Jesus.I ask myself how am i sharing with Christ in the emptying of myself the way He did for me!Or am i always rooting for me.Just the way He laid down His life for me,how am i laying my life down for someone else for His sake.How can i be a slave for the sake of Him and His Word.

In the example of Jesus,love is the engine of service.Pride contradicts love and service.The love that Christ has for us enabled Him to consider me and you above ALL that He is,above Himself.Without love,even if we serve we do it with grumbling and complaining.Consider a mother with a new born baby.The mother never gets any sleep but hardly does she complain about her cries especially when she sees her smiles.Her love for the child keeps her going i tell you!She diligently serves her kid with joy and satisfaction.

I need,we need to desire and determine to love one another.Putting aside our own little wants and selfish ambitions.Let us try something like humility may be :)!

Yes ,Jesus may have looked like the downtrodden failure of the human race by choosing to be reduced to a slave.But,without this wonderful slave, you and me would have no life to live and even look forward to.FYI,He has the highest place in heaven.Its that time to re-think for both you and me.Whoosh! Bless Jesus. 🙂

Love ya’ll.





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